6 – i ndex
Meteorological conditionswhich
may endanger aircraft or adversely affect their safeoperation,
particularly thosephenomena associatedwith volcanic ash cloud and
thunderstorms - icing, hail and turbulence.
Heading (HDG):
Thedirection inwhich the longitudinal axis of an
aircraft is pointed, usually expressed indegrees fromNorth (true,
magnetic, compass or grid).
The vertical distanceof a level, apoint or anobject considered
as apointmeasured from a specifieddatum.
HeightAboveAerodrome (non-precisionapproachor
circling) (HAA):
Theheight of theMinimumDescent Altitude above
thepublished aerodrome elevation.
HeightAboveThreshold (precisionapproach) (HAT):
of theDecisionAltitudeabove the threshold elevation.
A corridorwhollywithin controlled
airspacedesigned for the exclusiveuseof helicopters inVMC. The
extent andalignment of the corridor is related to anddelineatedby
prominent geographical / topographical features.
Helicopter LandingSite (HLS):
Aplace that is used as anaerodrome
for thepurposes of the landing and taking-off of helicopters.
Helicopter Lane:
A lane, outside controlled airspace, designed for use
byhelicopters to facilitate traffic flow.
Themovement area for helicopters is
that part of an aerodrome that can safelybeused for thehovering,
taxiing, take-off and landingof helicopters and consists of the
manoeuvring area and aprons, but excluding thoseareas reserved for
unrestricteduseby thegeneral public.
An aircraft that is certifiedas having a
maximum seating capacity exceeding38 seats or amaximumpayload
exceeding4200 kg.
HoldShort Line/Lights:
A linemarkedacross a runway, with
associated lights, in accordancewith the requirements of AIPAD1.1,
atwhich landing aircraftmust stopwhen requiredduringLandand
HoldShort Operations (LAHSO).