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6 – i ndex


canbe completed and thereafter, if a landing is not completed, to a

position atwhichholdingor en routeobstacle clearance criteria apply.

Intermediate Fix (IF):

Afixon anRNAV approach thatmarks theend

of an initial segment and thebeginningof the intermediate segment.


An aircraft is in the vicinityof anon-towered

aerodrome if it iswithin ahorizontal distanceof 10miles; andwithin

aheight above theaerodrome referencepoint that could result in

conflictwithoperations at the aerodrome.

InitialApproach Fix (IAF):

Thefix at the commencement of an

instrument approach.


That segment of an instrument approach

procedurebetween the initial approachfixand the intermediate

approachfixor, where applicable, thefinal approachfixor point.

Instrument LandingSystem (ILS):

Aprecision instrument

approach systemwhichnormally consists of the following electronic

components: VHF Localiser, UHFGlideslope, VHFMarker Beacons.


Oneof the following types of runways intended

for theoperationof aircraft using instrument approachprocedures:

• Non-precision approach runway. An instrument runway served

by visual aids and anon-visual aidproviding at least directional

guidance adequate for a straight-in approach.

• Precision approach runway, CAT I. An instrument runway served

by lLS and visual aids intended for operationswith adecision

height not lower than 200 ft and either avisibilitynot less than

800m, or aRVRnot less than 550m.

• Precision approach runway, CAT Il. An instrument runway served

by lLS and visual aids intended for operationswith adecision

height lower than 200 ft, but not lower than 100 ft andaRVRnot

less than 350m.

• Precision approach runway, CAT Ill. An instrument runway served

by ILS to and along the surfaceof the runwayand:

- for CAT IIIA - intended for operationswith adecisionheight

lower than 100 ft, or nodecisionheight and aRVRnot less

than 200m;

- for CAT IIIB - intended for operationswithadecisionheight

lower than 50 ft, or nodecisionheight and aRVR less than

200m, but not less than 50m;