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6 – i ndex


Flight Identification (FLT ID):

An identificationof up to7 alpha-

numeric characters enteredby thepilot viaa cockpit interface.Where

possible, theFlight Identificationmustmatch theAircraft Identification

entered into Item 7of the Flight Notification.

Flight Information:

Informationuseful for the safe and efficient

conduct of flight, including informationon air traffic,meteorological

conditions, aerodrome conditions and airways facilities.

Flight InformationArea (FIA):

An airspaceof defineddimensions,

excluding controlled airspace, withinwhichflight informationand

SARalerting services areprovidedbyanATSunit.

Note: FIAsmaybe sub-divided topermit the specifiedATSunit to

provide its services on adiscrete frequencyor familyof

frequencieswithinparticular areas.

Flight InformationCentre (FIC):

Aunit established toprovideflight

information service andSAR alerting service.

Flight InformationRegion (FIR):

An airspaceof defineddimensions

withinwhichflight information service andSAR alerting service are


Flight InformationService (FIS):

A serviceprovided for the

purposeof giving adviceand informationuseful for the safe and

efficient conduct of flights.

FlightLevel (FL):

A surfaceof constant atmospheric pressurewhich

is related to a specific pressuredatum, 1013.2HPa, and is separated

fromother such surfaces by specific pressure intervals.


Details of the route and timingof aproposedflight

providedby thepilot-in-commandof an aircraft, which is other than

notification submitted toAirservicesAustralia, andwhich is required

tobe leftwith apersonwho couldbeexpected tonotify appropriate

authorities in the event that theflight becomes overdue.

FlightNotification (withinAustralian FIR):


informationprovided toair traffic services units, relative to the

intendedflight or portionof flight of an aircraft.


Theuseof ATS surveillance systems for the

purposeof providingaircraftwith information and advice relative to