6 – i ndex
Localiser (LOC):
The component of an ILSwhichprovides
azimuthguidance to a runway. Itmaybeused as part of an ILSor
LongRangeNavigationSystem (LRNS):
Areanavigation systems
limited to INS / IRSorGPS.
Low JetRoute (LJR):
A route, or part of a route, at or below5000 ft
AGLusedbyMLJ aircraft for low level, high speednavigation and/or
terrain following exercises.
LowestSafeAltitude (LSALT):
The lowest altitudewhichwill provide
safe terrain clearanceat agivenplace.
That part of an aerodrome tobeused for the
take-off, landing and taxiingof aircraft, excludingaprons.
Anobject displayed aboveground level inorder to indicate an
obstacleor delineate aboundary.
A typeof radiobeacon, the emissions ofwhich
radiate ina vertical pattern.
A symbol or groupof symbols displayedon the surfaceof
themovement area inorder to conveyaeronautical information.
MaximumTake-offWeight (MTOW):
Themaximum take-offweight
of an aircraft as specified in itsCertificateof Airworthiness.
Medical Flight:
Aflight providing transport ofmedical patients,
personnel, and/or equipment, prioritisedas follows:
• MED1: Anaircraft proceeding topickup, or carrying, a severely ill
patient, or one forwhom life supportmeasures arebeing
• MED 2: An aircraft proceeding topick upmedical personnel and/
or equipment urgently required for the transport of aMED
1patient, or returningurgently requiredmedical personnel and/or
equipment at the terminationof aMED 1flight.
METBRIEF (AutomatedMeteorologicalTelephoneBriefing):
Self help systemwhichdeliversmeteorological informationon the
telephoneusing a computer generatedvoice, in response to a tone
generated telephone request.