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6 – i ndex

- for CAT IIIC - intended for operationswithnodecisionheight

andnoRVR limitations.

IntegratedAeronautical InformationPackage:


which consists of the following elements: AIP, including amendment

service; supplements to theAIP; NOTAMandPreflight Information

Bulletins (PIBs); AIC; and checklists and summaries.


That qualitywhich relates to the trustwhich canbeplaced

in the correctness of information suppliedby a system. It includes

theabilityof a system toprovide timelywarnings touserswhen the

system shouldnot beused for navigation.


That segment of an instrument

approachprocedurebetweeneither the intermediate approachfixand

thefinal approachfixor point, or between theendof the reversal, race

track or dead reckoning track procedure and thefinal approachfixor

point, as appropriate.

LandAndHoldShortOperations (LAHSO):

Aprocedure involving

dependent operations conductedon two intersecting runways

wherebyaircraft land anddepart onone runwaywhile aircraft landing

on theother runwayhold short of the intersection.


That part of themovement area intended for the

landingor take-off of aircraft.


A landparty equipped toundertake a search for an

aircraftwithin the regionof its responsibility.


Ageneric term relating to thevertical positionof anaircraft in

flight andmeaningvariously, height, altitudeor flight level.


Aplace that is licensed as an aerodromeunder

theCivil AviationRegulations.

LocalStandby (InthecontextofAerodromeEmergency


A situation inwhich activationof only the airport-based

agencies involved in theAerodromeEmergencyPlan iswarranted.

A Local Standbywill be thenormal responsewhen an aircraft

approaching an airport is knownor is suspected tohavedeveloped

somedefect, but the trouble is not such aswouldnormally involve

any serious difficulty ineffecting a safe landing.
