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6 – i ndex

Meteorological Information:

Meteorological report, analysis,

forecast, and anyother statement relating toexistingor expected

meteorological conditions.

MeteorologicalOffice (MO):

Anofficedesignated toprovide

meteorological service for air navigation.


A statement ormeteorological report

of theoccurrenceor expectationof adeteriorationor improvement

inmeteorological conditions or of anymeteorological phenomenon

whichmay seriously affect the safeoperationof aircraft.


Theminimumaltitude for aparticular instrument

approachprocedure is the altitude specifiedbyAIPDAP atwhichan

aircraft shall discontinue an instrument approachunless continual

visual reference to thegroundorwater has been establishedand

groundvisibility is equal toor greater than that specifiedby theDAP

for landing.

Note: Applies to ‘old’ type instrument approach charts.

MinimumDescentAltitude (MDA):

A specifiedaltitude inanon-

precision runwayor circling approachbelowwhichdescentmaynot

bemadewithout visual reference.

Note: Applies to ‘new’ type instrument approach charts.

Minimum Fuel:

The termused todescribe a situation inwhich an

aircraft’s fuel supplyhas reached a statewhere littleor nodelay can


Note: This isnot anemergency situationbutmerely indicates that an

emergency situation is possible, should anyunduedelay


MinimumSectorAltitude (MSA):

The lowest altitudewhichmay

beusedwhichwill provideaminimum clearanceof 1000 ft above all

objects located in an area containedwithin a sector of a circleof 25

nmor 10nm radius centredon a radio aid tonavigationor, where

there is no radionavigation aid, theAerodromeReferencePoint.


The lowest altitudewhicha controller

mayassign to apilot inaccordancewith theRadar TerrainClearance

