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6 – i ndex


Simultaneous departures in the

samedirection fromparallel or near-parallel instrument runways.

InertialNavigation / ReferenceSystem (INS/IRS):

A self-contained

navigation system that continuallymeasures the accelerations acting

upon the vehicleofwhich it is part. Suitably integrated, these forces

provide velocity and thenceposition information.

InstrumentApproachand LandingOperations:


approach and landingoperations are classified as follows:

• Non-precisionApproachand LandingOperations: Instrument

approaches and landingswhichdonot utilise electronic glidepath


• PrecisionApproach and LandingOperations: Instrument

approaches and landings usingprecision azimuth andglide

pathguidancewithminima as determinedby the categoryof


Categories of PrecisionApproach and LandingOperations are:

- Category I (CAT I) operation. Aprecision instrument approach

and landingwith adecisionheight not lower than200 ft and a

visibilitynot less than 800m, or aRVRnot less than 550m.

- Category II (CAT II) operation: Aprecision instrument approach

and landingwith adecisionheight lower than 200 ft but not

lower than 100 ft, and a runwayvisual rangenot less than 350m.

- Category IIIA (CAT IIIA) operation: Aprecision instrument

approach and landingwith adecisionheight lower than100 ft,

or nodecisionheight and a runway visual rangenot less than


- Category IIIB (CAT IIIB) operation: Aprecision instrument

approach and landingwith either, adecisionheight lower than

50 ft, orwithnodecisionheight and a runway visual range less

than 200mbut not less than 50m.

- Category IIIC (CAT IIIC) operation: Aprecision instrument

approach and landingwithnodecisionheight andno runway

visual range limitations.


A series of predetermined

manoeuvres by reference toflight instrumentswith specifiedprotection

fromobstacles from the initial approachfixorwhere applicable, from

thebeginningof adefined arrival route toapoint fromwhich a landing
