Parachutistsmust not be dropped if descentwill result in their entry into
A broadcast advising the intention todrop parachutistsmust bemade from
the drop aircraft not less than two (2)minutes prior toparachutists exiting the
aircraft. This requirement applies to all relevant frequencieswhen the landing
area is located in aCTAF, orwhenparachutists descend from controlled
airspace into underlyingClassG airspace.
Pilots of aircraft engaged in parachute operationsmustmake a broadcast
advising their intentions, on the appropriate area VHF, andCTAF two (2)
minutes prior to parachutists exiting the aircraft. In addition, when operations
are conducted in controlled airspace:
• A clearance to drop is required;
• Notification of clearance requestmust bemade at least five (5)minutes
before the proposed exit; and
• two serviceableVHF commsmust be carried to communicatewithATC
and tomonitor and advise air traffic outside the controlled airspace.
Parachutistsmust not be permitted to exit the aircraft until the pilot has
received a clearance fromATC authorising thedescent. Thiswill be phrased
as ‘[callsign] CLEAR TODROP’.
Whereparachutistswill leaveClassesA, C, D andE airspaceondescent,
thepilot of the aircraftmust broadcast the intention todrop, at least two
(2)minutesprior toexit, on the relevant CTAF, or AreaVHF frequency.
Notwithstanding that adrop clearancemayhavebeen issued, thedropmust
not proceed if replies to thisbroadcast (or visual observation) indicate that there
is conflicting trafficbeneath theCTA. Thedropmust not proceeduntil the
conflicting traffic is clear.
Pilots of PJE aircraft operating inClass E airspace are required toestablish
contactwithATC notifying the intent to commenceoperations before the
drop commences.
3 – aer i al sport i ng and recreat i onal act i v i t i es