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3 – aer i al sport i ng and recreat i onal act i v i t i es


ENR 1.2prescribes VMC for balloons. Operations inother thanprescribed

VMC are not permitted.


Aerial work and charter operations by pilotswhohold aNVFR (balloon)

rating, and private operationswith specific permission fromCASA,may be

conducted at night. In the caseof aerial work and charter operations, these

are restricted to the period of 1 hour prior to first light.


Prior to a proposed flight in controlled airspace, a balloonoperator or pilot-in-

commandmust liaisewithATS as follows:

• contact ATC by telephoneor radio prior to inflating the balloon to advise

the planned launch site and likely directionor area of flight, and ascertain

the availability of anATC clearance; and

• call to obtain a clearance before becoming airborne.

Thepilotmustmaintain a continuous listeningwatchon the appropriate

frequency during flightwithin controlled airspace, and report flight progress

as required byATC. The pilotmust report changes in thedirectionof drift,

whichwill cause the balloon to diverge from its nominated track or area

of operations, as soon as possible, and, in any case, before the track error

exceeds one (1) nautical mile.

For operations in an area controlled airspacewithin radar coverage, a

serviceableSSR transpondermust be carried unlessATC has advised


In theevent of a radio failureor other emergency, the relevant proceduresas

listed inAIPmust be followed. Particular attentionshouldbegiven tonotifying

the terminationof aflightwhere radiocontact isnot able toconfirm this.