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Gliding operationsmay be conducted from:

• a glider runway stripwithin the runway strip (single runway), using a

common circuit direction;

• a glider runway strip adjacent to the existing runway strip (dual runways),

using a common circuit direction; or

• a separate glider runway strip parallel to and spaced away from the

existing runway strip (parallel runways), using contra-circuit procedures.

Details of the gliding operation are published in theERSA entry for the

aerodrome.When procedures are changed for intensive short-term gliding

activity, aNOTAMwill be issued.

Where dual or parallel runways are established, the glider runway strip

will conform to normal movement area standards, butwill bemarked by

conspicuousmarkers of a colour other thanwhite. Glider runway stripsmust

not be used except by gliders, tug aircraft and other authorised aircraft.

Where a single runway is established and gliders operatewithin the runway

strip, the runway stripmarkersmay bemovedoutwards to incorporate the

glider runway strip. Glidermovement and parking areas are established

outside of the runway strips.When the glider runway strip is occupiedby a

tug aircraft or glider, the runway is deemed to beoccupied. Aircraft using the

runwaymay, however, commence their take-off run from aposition aheadof a

stationary glider or tug aircraft.

Except for gliders approaching to land, powered aircraft havepriority in the

useof runways, taxiways and apronswhere a single runway or dual runway

operation is established.

At the locationswhereparallel runwaysexist andcontra-circuit proceduresapply,

operationson the twoparallel runwaysbyaircraft below5700kgMTOWmay

beconducted independently inVMCbyday. Aircraftmust not operatewithin

theopposingcircuit areabelow1500 ftAGL. Pilotsshouldascertain the runway

direction inuseasearlyaspossibleandconform to that circuit.

A crossing runway should only beusedwhen operationally necessary, and

traffic using the crossing runway should avoid conflictingwith the established

circuit; eg, by using a long final, or not turning after take-off until well clear.

3 – aer i al sport i ng and recreat i onal act i v i t i es

