Pilots should take extra carewhen operating at an aerodromewhere gliding
operations are in progress. Gliding operations are indicatedby the ‘gliding
operations inprogress’ ground signal displayed next to theprimarywind
direction indicator. Pilots should also establishwhether the gliders are being
launched bywire or aerotow, or both.
Where aerotowing is in progress, pilots should remainwell clear of gliders
under tow. Ifwire launching is used, pilots shouldestablish the locations of
either thewinch or tow car and the cable, and remainwell clear. Over-flying
the active runway below 2000 ft AGL is not advised, nor is landingwithout
first ascertaining that the cable is on the ground andnot across the landing
path. Aerotow andwinch launching are possible up to 4000 ft AGL, but
launches to 1500 ft or 2000 ft AGL are normal.
Except for operations in controlled airspace, gliding operationsmay be
conducted no-radio, ormay be on frequencies 122.5MHz, 122.7MHz or
122.9MHz, which have been allocated for use by gliders. Unless otherwise
authorised, gliding operations in controlled airspacemust be conducted
using the appropriateATC frequency. Radio equippedgliders at non-towered
aerodromeswill use theCTAF. Exceptwhen operationally required to
maintain communications on a discrete frequency listed above, glider pilots
are expected to listen out on the area VHF and announce if inpotential
3 – aer i al sport i ng and recreat i onal act i v i t i es