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3 – aer i al sport i ng and recreat i onal act i v i t i es


Pilotsofballoonsengaged inaerialworkorcharteroperationsare required tocarry

anduseVHF radio forcommunication, asnecessary,withotheraircraftandwithATS.

However, theoperators are authorised tomaintain their ownSARWATCH, and

no flight notification is required for flights outside controlled airspace.

Pilotsof balloonswhohavebeenpermitted tooperated in the airspace above

are required to carry anduse radio asdescribed in the aboveparagraph.Where

anumber of balloons arepermitted tooperate together in the vicinityof an

non-towered licensed aerodrome, oneballoon ineachgroupmaymaintain radio

communication for thegroup.

Pilots of balloons engaged in private operations are required to carry radio and

use it in accordancewith the procedures described inENR1.1. whilst they


• within the vicinity of a non-towered aerodromewhere radio carriage and

use is required;

• at or above 5000 ft abovemean sea level;

• within10 nm of an aerodromewith a published instrument approach

procedure; or

• at night.

Theholder of a private pilot certificate issuedby theAustralianBallooning

Federation Incmay have that certificate endorsed topermit radio

communication onVHF frequencies only, without being the holder of a flight

radiotelephone operator licence.


Within 3 nmof an aerodrome, the pilot-in-command of a balloon is required

to giveway to other traffic operating in the traffic pattern of the aerodrome

which is applicable to the runway in use at the time.

Thepilot-in-commandof aballoonwho intends tooverfly an aerodromewithin

3nm shoulddo so at aheight greater than1500 ft above the aerodrome. In

the caseof aprivateballoonflightwhich isnot specifically authorisedbyCASA,

overflightmust be conductedmore than2000 ft above the aerodrome.

Thepilot of a balloonwhich is takingoffwithin3nm of an aerodromemust

giveway to aircraftwhich are landing or on final approach to land, by delaying

their take-off or, if airborne, by climbing or descending to remain clear of the

other aircraft’s flight path.
