WithinATS surveillance system coverage, traffic information, navigationor
position information servicemay be provided toVFR flights. Pilotswishing to
useATS surveillance system servicesmust be in direct VHF communications
withATC and be equippedwith a serviceable transponder. Flights using the
servicewill not be allocated a specific transponder codeexceptwhen theATC
intends toprovide an ongoing service.
Pilotsof VFRflights receivingaRadar InformationService (RIS) inClassE
airspacewill beprovidedwith informationaboutATS surveillance system
observed traffic.However, due to thenatureand typeof coverage, not all aircraft
will beobserved. Consequently, traffic informationprovidedbyATCmaybe
Pilotsmust complywith thesee-and-avoid requirementsofCAR163A.
On initial contact, pilotsmust advise position, level and intentions and advise
the radar service required. ATCwill respond by identifying the aircraft,
and notifying the pilot that the aircraft has been ‘IDENTIFIED’ prior to the
commencement of traffic information, position information, or navigational
assistance. ATCmay also assign a specific transponder code prior to, or
during the provision of, radar services. ATCmust be advisedof any attention
to change track or level.
WhenATC is unable to provide radar services, the pilotwill be advised
assistance shouldbe prefixed by “MAYDAY” (three times) or “PANPAN”
(three times), andwill receive priority.
Radar servicesmay be terminated at any time by the controller or by pilot
request.When services are terminated, ATCwill advise ‘IDENTIFICATION
TERMINATED’ (seeNote 2 below). If a specific transponder code has not
been allocated, ATCwill advise ‘SQUAWKCODE1200’.
Note 1: Navigational guidance is advisory innature and the responsibility
for the safe operation of the aircraft remainswith the pilot. Terrain
clearance, aircraft-to-aircraft separation, and obtaining clearances
into controlled airspace remain pilot responsibilities.
Note 2: When radar services toVFR flights are terminated, pilots should
monitor anATS frequency appropriate to their area of operation.
3 – class e a i rspace