InClass E airspace, the following traffic services are provided byATC:
• separation between IFRflights;
• traffic information to IFR flights about knownVFR flights as far as
practicable; and
• VFR flights receive aRadar/ADS-B InformationService (RIS), where
available on request.
Traffic information services provided byATC donot relievepilots of their
responsibilities for continued vigilance to see-and-avoid other aircraft.
InClass E airspace, the following also apply:
• HazardAlertswill be directed to pilots of IFR flights, and to pilots of
knownVFR flights.
VFR flights enteringClass E airspace donot require a clearance. VFRflights
entering and operating inClass E airspace should:
• avoid published IFR routes, where possible;
• monitor the appropriateClass E frequency and announce if in potential
conflict; and
• take appropriate action to avoid potential conflict.
Pilots of VFRflights should avoid IFR holding patterns.
Unless impracticable to do so, ATCwill provide some additional ATS
surveillance system services inClass E airspace
Note: Many factors, such as the limitationsof radar, volumeof traffic,
controllerworkload and communications frequency congestion could
prevent ATC fromproviding a radar service. The controller’s reason
against providingor continuing toprovide the service in aparticular case
isnot subject toquestion, nor need it be communicated to thepilot.
3 – class e a i rspace
class e airspace