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If proposing to fly into a control area from an aerodrome located so close

to theentry point thatmaking a full position report beforeentry is not

practicable, a clearance should be requested:

• at aconvenient timebeforeentering the runway for take-off at anaerodrome

wherecommunicationcan readilybeestablishedbefore take-off; or

• after take-off, if not available or obtainablebefore take-off, provided that

the aircraft does not enter the control area until cleared.

If landing at an aerodromewith the intention of departing for a control area

shortly after landing, any revision of notified details relevant to the clearance,

includingEstimatedTime of Departure (ETD), shouldbe advised toATC, and a

clearance requested before landing.

Clearances provided to pilotsmay include a ‘



Where a void time is specified, the clearance is valid only if the flight enters

controlled airspace in accordancewith the clearance at or before that time.

Pilots should submit details required for flight in controlled airspace at least

30minutes before theexpected time of entry. Flight details submittedwith

less than 30minutes notificationwill beprocessedon a ‘controllerworkload

permitting’ basis, andmay be subject to delay.


A pilot in commandmust request an airways clearance:

• before entering controlled airspace,

• on the clearancedelivery frequency, preferably immediately before

starting engines, otherwise as soon as possible thereafter; or

• where a clearance delivery frequency is not available, beforeentering the

departure runway.

Airways clearances normally contain the following items:

• aircraft identification;

• destination, area of operation, position or clearance limit;

• route of the flight;

• assigned level;

• SSR code;

• frequency requirements; and

• any additional instructions.


3 – control l ed a i rspace