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navigationposition fixing

3 – cru i s i ng CLASS G

• the pilot in command of a VFR flightwishing tonavigatebymeans of

radionavigation systems or any othermeansmust indicate in theflight

notification only those radio navigation aidswithwhich the aircraft is

equipped and the pilot is qualified to use (seeNote 2).

• VFR aeroplanes operating above FL200must beequippedwith an

altimeter calibrated to IFR standards.

Note 1: A pilotmust not undertake a VFRflight on topofmore thanSCT

cloud unless the aircraft is equippedwith serviceable flight and

navigation instruments as specified inCAO20.18Appendix IV.

Note 2: ‘Qualified’means theholder of an instrument ratingor NVFR rating

which is endorsed for the particular navigation aid or any privateor

higher category pilotwho has received in-flight instruction from a

qualified instructor in the useof the radionavigation aid as the sole

means of navigation, andwho is competent to navigate by useof

the aid.

Note 3: Pilots arewarned against initiatingVFR-on-topwhenweather

conditions aremarginal. Before committing their flight tooperating

VFR-on-top they should be confident thatmeteorological

information used is reliable and current, and clearly indicates that

the entire flightwill be able tobe conducted inVMC.


An aircraft operating under theVFR can also benavigatedby:

• a full time licensed flight navigator; or

• an approved self-contained navigation system, or approved long range

radionavigation system; or

• use of a radio navigation system or systems on routeswhere, after

making allowance for possible tracking errors of ± 9° from the last positive

fix, the aircraftwill comewithin the rated coverageof a radio aidwhich

can be used to fix the position of the aircraft. Themaximum time interval

between positive fixesmust not exceed two (2) hours (AIPENR1.1)

Note: Self-containedor long range navigation systemsmay only be used

as the solemeans of navigation if the system installed in the aircraft

has been approved byCASA and the pilot in command operates the

system in accordancewith the terms of this approval.