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A pilotmust adviseATC immediately if issued a clearancewhich requires the

useof navigation aids not available to the aircraft, or thepilot is not qualified

to use.

Air traffic clearances are aimed at keeping an aircraft in controlled airspace,

both laterally and vertically, if the pilot has so planned. If a pilot is in doubt

that the clearancewill keep the aircraft in controlled airspace, ATC should be

advised and an alternative clearancemay be requested.

A pilot, desiring to retain control area protectionduring climb inClassC or

ClassD airspace, shouldmaintain at least 500 ft above the lower limit of the

CTA steps.

A control instruction issued after a clearance is obtained amends the

appropriate item in the clearance.When there is any change in the clearance

limit and/or route specified in the initial clearance, a completely new clearance

will be issued.

Whenever a restriction or requirement has been imposed, and, subsequently,

a further restriction/requirement is imposed, the subsequent instructionwill

cancel all previous restrictions/requirements unless:

• all restrictions/requirements are restated; or

• the subsequent instructions is prefixed ‘FURTHERREQUIREMENT’.

At a controlled aerodrome, clearance for operation in an adjoining control area

is givenbefore departure.


3 – control l ed a i rspace