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navigationposition fixing

3 – cru i s i ng CLASS G


Tolerances are applied to tracks to assess containment area for thepurposes

of ensuringnavigational integrity, separation fromother aircraft, terrain and

obstacle clearance and avoidanceof specified airspace. Although allowing

for theerrors inherent in thenavigational systemsused, these tolerances

arebasedon the assumption that thepilotwillmaintain track as closely as


Thepilot in commandmust, at all times, take positive action to regain track as

soon as a deviation from the correct track is recognised.


When using radio navigational aids as the primarymeans of navigation:

• the aircraftmust benavigated by reference to the aidwhich provides the

most precise track guidancewithwhich the aircraft is equipped and the

pilot is qualified to use; and

• only those aidswhich specifically define the relevant trackmust be used

for track keeping.

Theorder of precision isLocaliser, VOR, thenNDB/ Locator.When track

guidance isprovidedby radionavigationaids, but navigation isbyanapproved

self-containednavigationsystemor long rangenavigationsystem, thepilotmust

maintain trackasdefinedby themost accurate radionavigationaidavailable.


Apositive radiofix isone that isdeterminedby thepassageof the aircraft over:

• aNDB; or

• a VOR station; or

• aDME; or

• is one determined byGPSmeeting the equiptment and pilot

requirements; or

• is one determined by the intersection of twoormore position lineswhich

intersectwith angles of not less than 45degrees andwhich areobtained

fromNDBs, VORs, Localizers or DMEs in any combination.

For the purpose of this section, a position linemust bewithin the rated

coverage of the aidwith the exception that if a fix is determined entirely by

position lines fromNDBs, the position linesmust bewithin a range of 30 nm

from eachof theNDBs.