SepAration incontrolledairspace
InClassC airspace, ATC shall provide separation as follows:
• between IFR flights;
• between IFR andVFR flights;
• between IFR and special VFR flights; and
• between special VFR flightswhen the visibility is less thanVMC.
Additionally, inClassC andClassD airspace:
• at controlled aerodromes appropriate runway separation is applied to all
aircraft; and
• ATCprovides VFR flightswith traffic information onother VFR flights.
Furthermore, when requested, and as far as is practicable, ATCwill provide
VFR flights inClassC airspacewith a suggested course of action to avoid
other VFRflights.
It is the responsibility of the pilot in command to see and avoid other aircraft.
Notwithstanding the general provisions of theprevious paragraphs:
• the separation of aircraft taxiing on themanoeuvring area (which
does not include apron and parking areas) is a joint pilot and controller
responsibility. The pilotmustmaintain separationwhile complyingwith
clearances and instructions;
• in the traffic circuit, pilots are required toposition their aircraft in such a
manner that, while complyingwith clearances and instructions fromATC,
theymaintain the necessary separation fromother traffic;
• separation isnotnormallyprovidedwithina trainingarea incontrolledairspace;
• under certain conditions, the pilot of one aircraftmay begiven the
responsibility for separationwith other aircraft. In this circumstance:
– the pilot is also responsible for the provision ofwake turbulence
separation, except that ATC is responsible forwake turbulence
separationbetween landing aircraft;
– the pilotmust adviceATCwhen he/she is unable tomaintain, or has
lost, sight of the other aircraft;
separation incontrolledairspace
3 – control l ed a i rspace