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3 – control l ed a i rspace




In controlled airspace, the pilot in commandmust commence a change of

level as soon as possible, but no later than one (1)minute after receiving that

instruction fromATC, unless that instruction specifies a later timeor place.

ATCmay require that an assigned level must be reached by a specific time,

distanceor place. If a pilot in command doubts that the requirement canbe

met, ATCmust be advised immediately.

A requirement to report at a time or placegiven in the same clearance as a

descent/climb instruction does not require thenew level tobe reached by the

specified time or place.

Thepilot in commandof an aircraft operating in controlled airspacemust report:

• when the aircraft has left a level atwhich level flight has been conducted

in the course of a climb, cruiseor descent; and

• when the aircraft leaves a level forwhichATC has requested a report.

ATCmay provide vertical separation between two climbing aircraft, not

otherwise separated, bymeans of a step-climb. Pilots in command, who are

subjected to a step-climb,must adopt the followingprocedure:

• The pilot in commandof the lower aircraftmust report approachingeach

assigned level in the sequence.

• The pilot in commandof the higher aircraft, on hearing the lower aircraft

report approaching each assigned level,must report the last vacated level.

Step-descents are the reverseof the above paragraphs. ATCmay specify a

rateof climb or descent. Other considerations are as follows:

• The phrase ‘STANDARDRATE’ when included in a clearance, specifies a

rate of climb or descent of not less than500 ft perminute, except that the

last 1000 ft to an assigned level must bemade at 500 ft perminute.

• In the case of a step-climb or descent, the specified ratewill be applicable

to all level clearances issued in the courseof the step climbor descent.

If unable to complywith the prescribed rate, the pilot in commandmust
