Except in anemergency, a clearance is required for all flights inClassesA, C,
andD airspace, Restricted areas and for IFR flights inClass E airspace.
Clearance is not required for VFR flights inClass E airspace.
Special requirements apply toParachute jumpingOperations inClass E
Where the airspace classification and flight rules require, an aircraftmust
not enter controlled airspacewithout a clearance (see page290 for holding
procedures). The pilot is responsible for obtaining a clearance and, once
obtained,must not amend a planned route, deviate from the cleared track,
or change level without obtainingATC approval.Whendeterminingwhere
the clearance requestwill bemade, the pilot should consider aircraft
performance, the possibility of frequency congestion if the airspace is known
to bebusy, the possibility of changes to route and/or level, and thepossible
delays thatmight be incurredwhen clearances have to be coordinatedwith
adjacent ATC sectors.
Pilots of VFRflights operating inClass E or G airspace requesting a clearance
tooperate inClassC or D airspacemust advise position, level and tracking
detailswhenmakingfirst contactwithATC.
WithinVHF radio coverage, pilotsmustmaintain continuous communications
withATCwhen operating inClassesC andD airspace. Further, when inClass
E airspace, pilots of VFRflights shouldmonitor theATS frequency appropriate
to their area of operation.
When communication facilities permit, clearanceswill be passed direct to
pilots byATC.
The clearance authorises flight in the specifiedmanner to thefirst point at
which the flight leaves controlled airspace, or, if completely in controlled
airspace, to the first landing point.
Anair trafficclearanceproposedbyATCdoesnot relieve thepilot from
complyingwithstatutory requirementsnor from the responsibility for the
ultimatesafetyof theaircraft.
If considered necessary, a pilot should request a different clearance from that
issued. In an emergency, a pilotmay actwithout a clearance and immediately
3 – control l ed a i rspace