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The following apply to flight under theVFR:

• the pilot in commandmust navigate the aircraft by visual reference to the

groundorwater, or byusing anyof themethods specified inAIPENR1.1

as ‘ALTERNATEMEANS’ , except thatwhen operating at or below 2000 ft

above the ground orwater, the pilot in commandmust be able to navigate

by visual reference to the ground orwater.

• when navigating by visual reference to thegroundorwater, thepilot in

commandmust positively fix the aircraft’s positionby visual reference

to features shown on topographical charts at intervals not exceeding30

minutes.Whenflying over the sea, visual reference featuresmay include

rocks and reefs and fixedman-made objectswhich aremarkedon suitable

charts and are readily identifiable from the air.

Note: Flight abovemore thanSCT cloud, or over featureless land areas,

or over the sea,may preclude visual positionfixing at the required

intervals andmay thereforemake visual navigation impracticable.

• when navigating by visual reference in controlled airspace thepilotmust

notifyATC if the aircraft’s track diverges bymore thanone (1) nautical mile

from the track approved byATC, or, if navigatingby reference to radio

navigation aids, bymore than the tolerances givenonAIPENR1.1.

• VFR flight on top ofmore thanSCT cloud is availableprovided that:

– VMC canbemaintained during theentireflight, including climb, cruise


– for VFRflight on top, the visual position fixing requirements of

AIPENR1.1 or the IFR navigational requirementsmust bemet.

– prior to conducting a VFRflight on topofmore thanSCT cloud, the

pilot in commandmust ensure that current forecasts andobservations

(including those available in flight observations) indicate that conditions

in the area of, and during the period of, theplanned descent below the

cloud layerwill permit the descent to be conducted inVMC.

– the position atwhich descent below cloud is planned tooccurmust

be such as to enable continuation of the flight to the destination and, if

required, an alternate aerodrome inVMC (seeNotes 1 and3).

• when navigating by reference to radio navigation systems, the pilot in

commandmust obtain positive radio fixes at the intervals andby the

methods prescribed inAIPENR 1.1.

3 – cru i s i ng CLASS G

navigationposition fixing