Aircraftmaymaintain a listeningwatch on other than the area VHF for
operations below 5000 ft inClassG airspace such as parachuting, gliding,
agricultural operations and circuit training or local flights at non-controlled
Gliders are encouraged, but not required, tomonitor theArea VHFwhen
operating above 5000 ft inClasses E andG airspace.
Authorisationmay be given toAustralian registered aircraft to vary the
requirements for the carriage of radio equipment as specified inRadio
Communication andNavigationRequirements. Authorisations are given by
the relevant District Office of theCASA.
A no-radio aircraft operating inClassG airspacemay, due to stress of
weather, operate above 5000 ft to theminimum extent necessary for the safe
conduct of the flight, provided;
• the aircraft cruises at a VFR level;
• the cruise is conducted inVMC; and
• as soon as is practicable, the aircraft descends inVMC to below 5000 ft to
continue flight inVMC. Apilot not able to complywith these requirements
must proceed to the nearest suitable aerodrome and land.
Ano-radio aircraft other than a glidermay operate above5000 ftwithin the
confines of a publishedDanger Areawhich is promulgated specifically for no-
radiooperations, or identified as permitting no-radio operations. Glidersmay
be authorised to operate aboveFL200 andmonitor an approved frequency
other than the area VHF frequency. The area of operationwill be advisedby
If total or partial failure ofmandatory radio communications equipment occurs
beforeflight commences and repair facilities are available, repairsmust be
madebefore the flight proceeds.Where repair facilities arenot available,
andflight to the nearest appropriate repair facility entails flight in controlled
airspace, the flightmay proceed provided that for flight in controlled airspace
ATS is advised of the radio failure and a clearance for the flight is obtained
For operations at non-towered aerodromes refer to the non-towered
aerodrome section of this publication.
3 – cru i s i ng CLASS G
navigationposition fixing