Civil aircraft operating inmilitaryRestricted areasor airspace inwhich anATC
service isprovidedwill receive a serviceequivalent to that of ClassC airspace
unless specifiedotherwisebyERSAFAC.
When compliancewith an air traffic clearance requiresflight:
• fromcontrolledairspace intoanadjoiningactive restrictedareaor airspace; or
• through an active restricted areaor airspace into adjoining controlled
airspace; or
• through an active restricted areaor airspacewithin controlled airspace;
thepilot in commandmay assume that ATChasobtained approval for theflight.
Approval for flightwithinadanger areaoutsidecontrolledairspace isnot required.
However, it is the responsibilityof thepilot incommand tobeawareof the
dangerousactivityand takeapproapriateprecautions.
Lanesof entry areestablished topermit passage to and from specifiedClass
DCTRwithout entering an adjacent civil ormilitaryCTR. The vertical limits
provide separation fromoverlying control or restricted areas.
Whenusing these lanes, pilotsmust:
• operateunder VFR;
• conformwith thegeneral flight rules regarding terrain clearance, flight over
populous areas, and low level restricted areas;
• operatenot higher than the altitude specified as theupper limit in the
sectionbeingflown; and
• keep to the right.
selectionof levels
3 – cru i s i ng CLASS G