3 – cru i s i ng CLASS G
A designated airspace or portion thereof under the control of another
authoritymay be reserved to allow the following:
• flights of special military significance requiring theuse of controlled
airspace, whichwould be subject to unacceptable restrictions if normal
operations applied;
• civil flights requiringpassage throughmilitaryairspacewhenweather
conditionsor other factorsmakeflight on thenormal air route inadvisable, or
impossible, andwhenother routesareunavailable, or theuseof such routes
would imposesevereeconomicpenaltieson theoperationof theaircraft.
There are two types of airspace reservations; fixeddefined areas and ‘mobile’
(e.g. aerial refuelling, en route formation flights). Such reservations are
normally only applied during limited periods. Adesignated airspaceor portion
thereof under the control of amilitaryATC authoritymay alsobe reserved to
confine particular activities.
In such airspace, RAAFATC shall be responsible for theprovision of
separation for transiting civil ormilitary aircraft from the areas reservedor
restricted for current air defence operation.
Airspace inwhich a potential hazard to aircraft operationsmay exist, and
all areas overwhich theoperation of civil aircraftmay be restricted are
promulgated as follows:
Airspacewithinwhich theflight of aircraft is prohibited.
Airspacewithinwhich theflight of aircraft is restricted in accordancewith
specified conditions.
Airspacewithinwhich activities dangerous to theflight of aircraftmay
exist at specified times.
These areas are promulgated in theDAH and are shown onAIP aeronautical
charts by boundaries outlined in red and containing the identificationof the
area as a letter and a number.