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Flight plans lodged in accordancewith para 3must include details of:

• tracks and altitudes to be flownwhile operating in theADIZ;

• estimated elapsed times for each route segment in theADIZ, including

the segment inwhich theADIZ boundary is crossed;

• position reporting points, departure and landingpoints; and

• estimated time at the commencing point of the first route segment for

which details are required in accordancewith para 3.

Reporting points published in aeronautical chartsmust be usedplus those

required by theAreaAir DefenceCommander.

Pilotsmust immediately notifyATS of any deviation fromflight planbeyond

the following tolerances:

• estimated timeof commencing theADIZ route segments - ±5minutes;

• over land area - ±10 nm from track;

• over oceanic areas - ± 20nm from track.

Note: The5minutes expressed indeviation abovewill beused in

considering interception action (see below), but pilotsmust report

predicted deviations of greater than 2minutes.

In the event of failure of two-way radio communication, the pilotmust

proceed in accordancewith the normal radio failure procedures.


Special requirementsmay be published relative to a particular ADIZ. Flights

exempted in accordancewithpara 4will not beexempted from the special

requirements unless so specified.


Significant deviations from the requirements for flight in anADIZmust be

reported immediately toATS and details and reasons for the deviationmust

be reported at the first point of landing, for transmission to theAreaAir


procedures for defence zone

3 – a i r de f ence i dent i f i cat i on zone