Aircraft not exempted in accordancewith para 4, andwhich cannot be
satisfactorily identified,may be intercepted by fighter aircraft.
If any doubt arises as to the friendly intention of an aircraft, closer
identificationmay be necessary, inwhich case the identifying aircraftwill
maintain visual observationof the intercepted aircraft, and:
• approach at the same level from asternon aparallel course to the left of the
aircraft tobe identified,with aminimum lateral displacement of 1000 ft or
• if strictly necessary for identification,move closerwhilemaintaining a
generally parallel course, but never closer than200m;
• if identified as friendly,make the appropriate signal toproceed from a
position slightly ahead, by a climbing turn of 90degrees toport away from
the intercepted aircraft, if permissible, consideringother air traffic.
Aircraft identified by intercept as;
should thenproceed according toflight plan and/or ATC
should be prepared to be shadowed, divertedor instructed to
land at a suitable airfield;
aircraft positively identified as ‘Hostile’may beengaged and
An aircraftwhich is intercepted by another aircraftmust immediately:
• follow the instructions given by the intercepting aircraft, interpreting and
responding to visual signals in accordancewith the tableover the page;
• notify, if possible, the appropriateATSunit;
• attempt to establish radio communicationwith the intercepting aircraft,
orwith the appropriate intercept control unit, bymaking a general call on
the emergency VHF frequency 121.5MHz and repeating this call on the
emergencyUHF frequency 243.0MHz, if practicable, giving the identity
and position of the aircraft and nature of the flight;
procedures for defence zone
3 – a i r de f ence i dent i f i cat i on zone