Thepilot in commandmust ensure that the runway is suitable for the
operation. If not suitable for anoperational reason, ATCmust be advised
before taxiing orwhen requesting an airways clearanceby using the phrase
Such a requestwill not result in a loss of priority, provided it ismade onfirst
contactwith clearance delivery or before taxiing. The decision to take-off
rests solelywith the pilot in command.
Circuit directions and turnswill be specified or authorisedbyATC butwill not
be specified in the take-off clearancewhen a Standard Instrument Departure
(SID) has been authorised.
A pilot in commandmust notifyATC if a particular turn or circuit is essential to
the safeoperation of the aircraft by use of theword ‘REQUIRE’.
Departure Instructionsmay contain the following as required:
• aircraft identification;
• radar heading instructions*;
• altitude restrictions;
• direction of turn;
• tracking points; and
• any other instructions.
*A pilot assigned a radar heading (including runway heading) will not
compensate forwind effect.
When a heading is assigned as a departure instruction, thepilot in command
must ensure that the heading and the direction of the turn are readback. This
requirement also applies to the initial heading assigned byATC as part of the
radar SID.
3 – control l ed a i rspace