Thepilot in commandof an aircraftmust request approval to start engines
when the requirement is notified byATIS, NOTAM, AIPSupplement, ATC or
listed inERSA.
Whenoperating from a controlled aerodromewhereATIS is in operation a
pilot in commandmust obtain theATIS prior to taxi, and adviseATC of the
ATIS codewhen requesting taxi clearance.
Thepilot in commandmust obtain a taxi clearance either prior tomoving on
themanoeuvring area.
The taxi clearance regulatesmovement on themanoeuvring area. Avoidance
of collisionon apron areas is a joint responsibility of thepilot in command and
any assisting company ground personnel. Information about other aircraft
movingon the same apron areawill be provided by theATC (where it exists
as a discrete service).
An aircraft taxiing on themanoeuvring areamust stop and hold at all lighted
stop bars andmay only proceed furtherwhen a clearance toentre or cross
the runway has been received and the stopbar lights havebeen switched off.
A taxi instructionwhich contains taxi limit beyond a runwaymust include
a ‘CROSSRUNWAY (number)’ instruction to cross that runway.When an
aircraft is required tohold short of a runway intersecting the taxi route, ATC
will issue a taxi instruction limit of the holdingpoint associatedwith the
intersecting runway.
An aircraftwhich has been issuedwith a taxi instruction limit of the holding
point of a runway intersecting the taxi route, orwhichhas been issuedwith
an instruction to ‘HOLDSHORT’ of that runwaymust subsequently be issued
with an instruction to ‘CROSSRUNWAY (number)’.
Aircraft required to hold short of a runwaymust hold at the appropriate
holdingpoint for that runway, or the runway strip edge at the intersectionof a
crossing runway. A pilotwishing touse less than the full lengthof the runway
available should nominate the intentionwhen requesting the taxi clearance.
ATCmay offer an intersection departure andwill advise the remaining runway
length, if required.
3 – control l ed a i rspace