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6 – i ndex


Ageneric termmeaningvariously,

ADS-B, PSR, SSRor any comparableground-based system that

enables the identificationof aircraft.

Note: A comparableground-based system is one that has been

demonstrated, by comparativeassessment

or othermethodology, tohavea level of safetyand

performance equal to, or better than,monopulseSSR.

AutomaticDependentSurveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B):


means bywhich aircraft, aerodrome vehicles andother objects can

automatically transmit or receivedata such as identification, position

andadditional data, as appropriate, in abroadcastmode via adata


AutomaticDependentSurveillance - Contract (ADS-C):


means bywhich the terms of anADS-Cagreementwill be exchanged

between theground system and theaircraft, viaadata link, specifying

underwhat conditionsADS-C reportswouldbe initiated, andwhat

datawouldbe contained in the reports.

AutomaticEnRoute InformationService (AERIS):


of operational information en routebymeans of continuous and


AutomaticTerminal InformationService (ATIS):


of current, routine information to arriving anddepartingaircraft by

means of continuous and repetitivebroadcasts during thehourswhen

theunit responsible for the service is inoperation.

AviationReferenceNumber (ARN):

Aunique six-digit number used

to identify a clientwho conducts businesswithCASA.WhenCASA

receives an application for anew licence, certificate, or other service,

anARN is established and all subsequent transactions for the client

are recorded against that ARN. In addition tobeing a client number,

theARNmay alsobe the licenceor certificatenumber. TheARN

shouldbequoted inall correspondencewithCASAorwithAirservices


BaseTurn (InstrumentApproach):

A turnexecutedby theaircraft

during the initial approachbetween theendof theoutbound track and

thebeginningof the intermediateor final approach track. The tracks

arenot reciprocal.
