6 – i ndex
A serviceprovided for thepurposeof:
• preventing collisions:
- between aircraft; and
- on themanoeuvring areabetween aircraft andobstructions; and
• expediting andmaintaining anorderlyflowof air traffic.
AirTrafficService (ATS):
Ageneric termmeaningvariously, flight
information service, alerting service, air traffic advisory service, air
traffic control service (area control service, approach control service,
or aerodrome control service).
The airbornemovement of ahelicopter that is:
• for the expeditious transit fromoneplacewithin anaerodrome to
another placewithin the aerodrome;
• at or below100 ft above the surface; and
• at speeds greater than thoseused inair taxiing.
A clearance, issuedbyATC, tooperate in
controlled airspacealong adesignated track or route at a specified
level toa specifiedpoint or flight planneddestination.
Aprocedurewhereflight crew, havingbeen
alerted to the existence and approximate locationof other traffic in
their immediatevicinity, seek to sight andavoid collidingwith those
known aircraft.
An agencydesignated to serveas an intermediary
between aperson reporting an aircraft indistress anda rescue
coordination centre.
A serviceprovided tonotify appropriate
organisations regarding aircraft inneedof searchand rescueaid, and
toassist suchorganisations as required.
An aerodrome towhichanaircraftmay
proceedwhen it becomes either impossibleor inadvisable toproceed
toor to land at the aerodromeof intended landing.
Apressuredatumwhichwhen set on the sub-
scaleof a sensitive altimeter causes thealtimeter to indicatevertical
displacement from that datum. Apressure-type altimeter calibrated
inaccordancewithStandardAtmospheremaybeused to indicate
altitude, height or flight levels, as follows: