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6 – i ndex

Aeronautical InformationCircular (AIC):

Anotice containing

information that does not qualify for theoriginationof aNOTAM,

or for inclusion in theAlP, butwhich relates toflight safety, air

navigation, technical, administrativeor legislativematters.

Aeronautical InformationPublication (AIP):


issuedbyorwith the authorityof aState and containingaeronautical

informationof a lasting character essential to air navigation.

AIPSupplement (SUP):

Temporary changes to the information

contained in theAIPwhich arepublishedbymeans of special pages.

AircraftClassificationNumber (ACN):

Anumber expressing the

relativeeffect of an aircraft on apavement for a specific standard sub-

grade category.


Aportionof anapron

designatedas a taxiway and intended toprovide access to aircraft

parkingpositions only.


Two-way communications between

aircraft and stations on the surfaceof theearth.

Air-Report (AIREP):

A report from an aircraft inflight preparedby the

pilot during the courseof aflight in conformitywith the requirements

for position, operational ormeteorological reporting in theAIREP



Movement of ahelicopter / VTOL above the surfaceof an

aerodrome, normally inground effect and at a speednormally less

that 20 kt.


Authorisation for aircraft to

proceedunder conditions specifiedbyanAir TrafficControl unit.

Note: For convenience, the term ‘Air TrafficControl Clearance’ is

normally abbreviated to ‘Clearance’ whenused inappropriate


AirTrafficControl Instructions:

Directives issuedbyair traffic

control for thepurposeof requiring apilot to takea specific action.
