3 – control l ed a i rspace
When separate frequencies for aerodrome control and surfacemovement
control are in use, the pilot in command, on landing,must change from the
aerodrome control frequency to theSMC frequency on vacating the runway
strip, and then transmit the aircraft callsign and, if applicable, parking bay
TO (location)’.
The taxi clearance regulatesmovement on themanoeuvring area.
The separation of aircraft taxiingon themanoeuvring area is a joint pilot and
controller responsibility. Taxi clearance shall contain concise instructions and
adequate information so as to assist flight crew to follow the correct taxi
routes, to avoid collisionwith other aircraft andobjects and tominimise the
potential for the aircraft inadvertently entering an active runway.
A taxi clearancewill not relate tomovement on the apron areas. However,
available essential information referring to other aircraft enteringor leaving
the same apron areawill be provided.
Radiowatchmust bemaintainedon theSMC or tower frequency (where no
SMC frequency is provided) until parked.