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Whenweather conditions at the destination are forecast to be as specified

as above, but are expected to improve at a specific time, provision for an

alternate aerodromeneed not bemade if sufficient fuel is carried to allow the

aircraft to holduntil that specified time plus 30minutes (AIPENR 1.1).

Whenweather conditions at thedestination are forecast tobe above the values

specified above, but additionally, intermittent or temporarydeteriorations in the

weather below those values are forecast, provisionof an alternateneednot be

made if sufficient additional fuel is carried to allow the aircraft tohold for:

• 30minutes for intermittent deterioration (INTER); and

• 60minutes for temporary deterioration (TEMPO) (AIPENR1.1).

When thunderstorms or their associated severe turbulenceor their probability

is forecast at the destination, sufficient additional fuel must be carried to

permit the aircraft to proceed to a suitable alternateor to hold for:

• 30minuteswhen the forecast is endorsed INTER; or

• 60minuteswhen the forecast is endorsed TEMPO (AIPENR 1.1).

INTER andTEMPOholding fuel requirements are not cumulative therefore,

when a forecast has a number of INTER or TEMPO deteriorations, holding

fuel is required only for themost limiting requirement (AIPENR1.1).

When TAFs include a FM or aBECMG causing anoperational requirement

to either become effective or be removed, the timing for the change in

operational requirement is as follows:

• when theweather during the FM or BECMG is forecast to create an

operational requirement, that operational requirementwill become

effective 30minutes before the onset of the FM time, or 30minutes

before the start of theBECMG period.

• when theweather during the FM or BECMG is forecast to remove an

operational requirement, that operational requirementwill remaineffective

until 30minutes after the FM time, or 30minutes after theend of the

BECMG period.

The additional fuel required by the above paragraphsmust be carriedwhen

theETA of the aircraft at its destination or alternate fallswithin the period

of 30minutes before the forecast commencement time to 30minutes after

the expected time of cessation of these deteriorations (AIPENR 1.1). If the

holding time requiredbecauseof INTERor TEMPOor theprobability of INTER

or TEMPO requirements (as described above) extends past 30minutes after

the forecast cessation of these deteriorations, the aircraft needonly carry

sufficient fuel to hold until 30minutes after the forecast cessation time.

alternatedue toweather

2 – preparat i on