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Exceptwhen operating an aircraft under theVFR by daywithin 50nmof the

point of departure, the pilot in commandmust provide for a suitable alternate

aerodromewhen arrival at the destinationwill be during the currency of, or up

to 30minutes prior to the forecast commencement of, the followingweather


• cloud–more thanSCT below the alternateminimum; or

• visibility–less than the alternateminimum; or

• visibility–greater than the alternateminimum, but the forecast is endorsed

with a percentageprobability of fog,mist, dust or any other phenomenon

restricting visibility below the alternateminima; or

• wind–a crosswind or downwind componentmore than themaximum for

the aircraft.

Note: Windgustsmust be considered (AIPENR 1.1).

Note: Indetermining requirements for alternate aerodromes, forecast

amountsof cloudbelow the alternateminima are cumulative. For

determining requirements, the cumulative cloud amount is interpreted

as follows:

— FEW plus FEW is equivalent toSCT;

— FEW plus SCT is equivalent toBKN;

—SCT plus SCT is equivalent toBKN or OVC (AIPENR1.1).


For flight by aeroplanes under theVFR (day or night) and helicopters operating

under theVFR at night, the alternateminima are a ceiling of 1500 ft and a

visibility of 8 km (AIPENR 1.1).

When operating a helicopter under theVFR, and theuse of the helicopter

VMC is permissible at the destination, thepilot in commandmust provide

for a suitable alternate aerodromewhen either of the following conditions is

forecast at the destination:

• cloud -more thanSCTbelow a ceiling of 1000 ft; or

• visibility - less than 3000m (AIPENR 1.1).

alternatedue toweather

2 – preparat i on