An aircraft shall not take–off, or attempt to take–off, if its grossweight
exceeds, bymore than theweight of fuel thatwould normally be used in
flying to its next landing place or planned alternative aerodrome, itsmaximum
landingweight or, if a lesserweight determined in accordancewith a direction
under CAR 235 is applicable to the landing at that placeor aerodrome, that
Except in anemergency, an aircraft shall not land if its grossweight exceeds
itsmaximum landingweight or, if a lesserweight determined in accordance
with a direction under CAR 235 is applicable to the landing, that lesser
An aircraft shall not take–off, or attempt to take–off, unless any directions
with respect to the loading of the aircraft given under the regulation have
been compliedwith.
Thepilot in commandmust ensure that the load of an aircraft throughout a
flight shall be sodistributed that the centreof gravity of the aircraft fallswithin
the limitations specified in its certificate of airworthiness or its flightmanual.
CAAP 235 reiterates the safety precautions that should beused to
ensure compliancewith this regulation. It includes directions on
how to determine runway clearance factors.
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take-off and landing aircraft
2 – preparat i on