PlanningChart Australia (AUSPCA) shows the areas inwhich an aircraft, flying
at the altitudes indicated, could be expected tomaintain continuous VHF
communicationswith anATS unit.
PVT, CHTR andAWK aircraft areexempt from the requirements to carryHF
radio communicationwithATSwhenunder some circumstances (AIPENR1.1).
Private aircraftwithout radiomay be admitted to theCTRs formaintenance
subject to the approval of the appropriateATCunit. Pilotsmust complywith
any conditions contained in the approval (seeAIPGEN1.5).
GENERAL (CAR 239, 234andCAAP 234)
Apilot in commandmustmakeprovision for flight to an alternatative
aerodrome, when required, in accordancewith the followingparagraphs.
When a flight is required to provide for an alternate aerodrome, any
aerodromemay be so nominated for that flight provided that:
• it is suitable as a destination for that flight; and
• is not an aerodrome forwhich that flightwouldbe required to provide for
an alternate aerodrome.
When an aerodrome forecast is ‘provisional’, thepilot in commandmustmake
provision for a suitable alternate that has afirm forecast (AIPENR1.1).
responsibilities of pilot
2 – preparat i on
alternatedue toweather