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6 – i ndex

Note: There are three categories of significant points: ground-

basednavigation aid, intersection andwaypoint. In the

context of this definition, intersection is a significant point

expressedas radials, bearings and/or distances from

ground-basednavigation aids.


Anyweather phenomenonwhichmight affect

flight visibilityor present ahazard to an aircraft.


Operations (SODPROPS):

A conditionwhereby arriving aircraftwill

approach and landonone runway, concurrentwithaircraft departures

from theparallel runwayusing theoppositedirection to that being

used for approach and landing.


An electronic displaydepicting thepositionand

movement of aircraft andother information as required.


Anavigation system that, for

agivenphaseof flight,must allow the aircraft tomeet all four

navigation systemperformance requirements - accuracy, integrity,

availability and continuityof service.


Thenumber assigned to aparticularmultiple-pulse reply

signal transmittedby a transponder inModeAorModeC.

Standard InstrumentArrival (STAR):

Adesignated IFRarrival

route linking a significant point, normallyon anATS route, witha

point fromwhichapublished instrument approachprocedure canbe


Standard InstrumentDeparture (SID):

Adesignated IFR

departure route linking the aerodromeor a specified runwayof the

aerodromewitha specified significant point, normallyon adesignated

ATS route, atwhich the en routephaseof aflight commences.


Thepressureof 1013.2Hectopascalswhich, if

set upon thepressure sub-scaleof a sensitivealtimeter, will cause the

latter to read zerowhen atmean sea level ina standardatmosphere.


Airspace above10 000 ftwhere the

sub-scaleof apressure sensitive altimeter is set to1013.2HPa.
