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• whether the pilot’s experience reasonablymeets the requirements of the

mercy flight;

• the effect on the person requiring assistance if the flight is delayed until

improved operating conditions exist;

• whether theflight is tobemade to thenearest ormost suitablehospital; and

• the competence of the authority requesting themercy flight.

Thepilot incommandof amercyflightmust:

• give flight notification as required for a charter flight and identify the flight

by the term ‘MERCY FLIGHT’. This notificationmust include the reason

for themercy flight and reference to any rule or regulationwhichwill not

be compliedwith;

• specify reporting points or timeswhen contactwill bemade;

• specify the special procedures intended or special assistance requiredof

the groundorganisation; and

• limit the operating crew and the persons carried in the aircraft to the

minimumnumber required to conduct the flight.

If themercy flight applies only to a portion of theflight thismust be stated in

theflight notification. If a normal flight develops into amercy flight, thepilot in

commandmust take appropriate action.

Thepilot in commandmust submit anAir Safety Incident Report (ASIR) on

anymercy flight undertaken, summarising the aspects of irregular operation

which caused the operation to be considered under themercy flight

provisions and the factorswhich led to the decision tomake the flight. This

reportmust include the name and address of the authority requesting the

mercy fight and, inmedical cases, the nameof the patient.

5 – mercy f l i ght s
