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• an outside air temperature indicator;

• an attitude indicator (artificial horizon);

• a heading indicator (directional gyroscope);

• a turn and slip indicator except that only a slip indicator is requiredwhen a

second attitude indicator usable throughflight attitudes of 360 degrees of

pitch and roll is installed;

• means of indicatingwhether thepower supply to the gyroscopic

instruments isworking satisfactorily.

Note that for night VMC flights a rate of climb and descent indicator (vertical

speed indicator) and pitot heat are not required.


The altimeter and airspeed indicator shall be capable of being connected

toeither a normal or an alternate static sourcebut not both sources


Alternatively, theymay be connected to a balancedpair of flush static ports.


For night VMC charter the attitude indicator, turn and slip indicator shall have

duplicated sources of power supply unless the turn and slip indicator or the

second attitude indicator specified above has a sourceof power independent

of the power operating other gyroscopic instruments. Note that these

duplicated sources of power are not required for aeroplanes engaged in

private and aerial work night VMCoperations.

A gyro-magnetic type of remote indicating compassmay be considered also

tomeet the requirement for a heading indicator specified above provided

that such installation complieswith the duplicated sources of power supply

requirements of the previous paragraph.


Where an aircraft is not equipped in accordancewith the above, CASAmay

give permission, subject to such conditions (if any), for the aircraft tobe flown

under VFR.

aircraftequipment fornightVFR

3 – n i ght v fr