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3 – n i ght v fr


A private (aeroplane) pilotmust not fly an aeroplane as pilot in command if the

aeroplane is carrying any other person unless:

• if theflight is undertaken indaylight—thepilot has, within theperiodof

90 days immediately before the day of theproposedflight, carried out

at least 3 take-offs and 3 landingswhile flying an aeroplane as pilot in

command or as pilot acting in command under supervision, or indual

flying; and

• if theflight isundertaken at night—thepilot has,within theperiodof 90

days immediatelybefore thedayof theproposedflight, carriedout at least

3 take-offs and3 landings at nightwhileflying an aeroplane aspilot in

commandor aspilot acting in commandunder supervision, or indual flying.



Submission of flight details at least 30minutes beforeETD is recommended.
