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- the operator is approved inwritingbyCASA to conduct the

operations; and

- the operations are conducted in a turbinepowered aeroplane

approved inwriting byCASA for those operations.

CHTR, AWK andPVT operations under theVFR at nightmust not be

conducted unless the forecast indicates that theflight can be conducted in

VMC at not less than 1000 ft above the highest obstaclewithin 10 nmeither

side of the track.


Aircraft engaged in training operations at night in the circuit areamust not,

whenbelow 1500 ft AGL, carry out anymanoeuvreswhich involve:

• the simulation of failure of an engine; or

• flight in a simulated one-engine inoperative condition; or

• the intentional shutdown of a serviceableengine.



Anight VFR rating does not authorise the holder of the rating to fly as pilot in

commandof an aircraft by night unless:

• within the period of 1 year immediately before theday of the proposed

flight, he or she has undertaken:

– in the caseof a balloon gradeof night VFR rating— at least 1flight

of at least 30minutes durationwhile flying a balloon at night as pilot

in command, as pilot acting in commandunder supervisionor in dual

flying; and

– in any other case— at least 1flight of at least 1 hour durationwhile

flying an aircraft at night as pilot in command, as pilot acting in

command under supervision or indual flying; and

• in thecaseof anaeroplanegradeof night VFR rating—within theperiodof 6

months immediatelybefore thedayof theproposedflight, heor shehas:

– carriedout at least 1 take-off and 1 landing at nightwhile flying an

aeroplane as pilot in command, as pilot acting in command under

supervision, or in dual flying; or


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