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TheLSALT specified for a route segment is that for IFRprocedures.Where

anNDB or VORmark the segment, the tolerances applicable to theNDB are

used. Unreported obstacles up to 360 ftmay exist in navigation tolerance

areas. Therefore, LSALT is calculated by adding:

• 1000 ft to the highest obstacle, where the highest obstacle ismore

than 360 ft above the height determined for terrain, or

• 1360 ft to the height determined for terrainwhere thehighest charted

obstacle is less than 360 ft above the height determined for terrain.

Theminimum LSALT published is 1500 ft due to lack of data concerning

terrain near sea level.

LSALT details for RNAV routes are shown ineach grid square formedby the

parallels andmeridians. On theERCs-H, thegrid is at 4° intervals, and at 1°

intervals on theERC-L and TACs (See alsoAIPGEN 3.3para 4.2).

Lowest safe altitudes for IFRflights are published inMAP, NOTAM or AIP


GridLSALTs have been determined for ERC andTAC. On eachERC-H thegrid

for each LSALT is a squarewith the dimensions of four degrees of latitude

by four degrees of longitude. OnERC-L and TAC, the grid squares comprise

onedegree of latitude by one degree of longitude. TheGridLSALT is normally

displayed in the centre of the grid square.

A pilot usingGrid LSALT for obstacle clearance is responsible for determining

the allowance for navigation error that shouldbe applied, considering the

limitations of thenavigation aids ormethod of navigation being used for

position fixing. This navigation error allowancemust be applied to the

proposed track. The highest Grid LSALT fallingwithin the area covered by the

determined navigation errormust beused.

If the navigation of the aircraft is inaccurate, or the aircraft is deliberately

flown off track, orwhenever there is failure of any radionavigation aid

normally available, the pilot in commandmust ensure that the aircraft is flown

not lower than 1000 ft above thehighest terrain or obstaclewithin a circle,

centred on theDR position, with a radius of 5 nmplus 20%of the air distance

flown from the last positivefix.

lowest safe altitude

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