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Glider operations.

Glider operations can be conducted fromnormal runways

associatedwith an aerodrome or from prepared siteswithin the confines of

an aerodrome. Gliders can be launched using a variety ofmethods including

aero-tow, vehicle tow orwinch launch. In all cases, vehicles and peoplemight

be operating on or in the vicinity of the runways in use.Winchoperations can

occur at all aerodromes and pilots should check and reviewERSA and the

latest NOTAMs for specific information.

Where gliders are operating from the active runway, theymay not be able to

giveway to other aircraftwhen landing.

A doublewhite cross displayed adjacent to thewind direction indicator at

aerodromes indicates gliding operations are inprogress. Aeronautical charts

also use the double cross to indicate glider operations. Pilots should consult

the latest NOTAMs for any additional information.


InAustralia, in certain circumstances, parachuting

operations are permitted through cloud and so can take place onovercast

days. Pilots flying parachuting aircraftwill broadcast on all of the associated

frequencies. For example, if the jump commences inClassG airspace and

will land at a non-towered aerodrome, advisory callswill bemadeon both the

ClassG airspace frequency and the frequency inuse for the aerodrome.

Whereparachute operations occur, parachute symbols are sometimes

depicted on aeronautical charts. ERSA alsodetails the aerodromeswhere

parachute operations are conducted. Pilots should consult the latest NOTAMs

for any additional information.

Parachutists in free fall are almost impossible to see, so avoid overflying an

aerodromewith an active drop zone. Communicationwith theparachuting

aircraft is essential to avoid flying into a drop zone area.

Helicopters andgyroplanes operations.

Helicopters can arrive anddepart

aerodromes from various directions. Pilots of helicopters can choose to

operate in the circuit and fly a circuit similar to a fixedwing aircraft butmay

be at a height not below 500 ft above the aerodromeelevation and closer to

the runway. Check ERSA for any noise abatement procedures.

Helicopters can also operate contra-direction circuits on theopposite side

of the runway at 500ft above aerodrome elevation. Check ERSA for circuit

direction requirements. Pilots of helicopters approaching to land at amarked

helipad or suitable clear area should avoid theflowof fixedwing aircraft.


3 – non - TOWERED aerodromes