Other pilots should be aware that, for some helicopter operations, theonly
suitable landing area is the runway.
Helicopters andgyroplanes canfly slower than fixedwing aircraft and
approach at steeper angles. Both helicopters andgyroplanes canbe expected
to practise power-off landings (autorotations) which involve a very steep
approach and high rates of descent.
As helicopter and gyroplane operations canbe varied and flexible, pilots
need to ensure theymonitor and advise other aircraft of their position and
intentions by radiowhere applicable.
Ultralight operations.
The term ‘ultralight’ applies tomany small recreational
aircraft that include trikes, powered parachutes, andother small fixedwing
aircraft that cruise atmaximum speeds of up to about 55 kt. Pilots of these
aircraft should conduct their standard circuit at 500 ft above aerodrome
Entry to the circuit should be at 500 ft above aerodrome elevation as it is
normally impractical to overfly thefield above all other circuit traffic. Joining
the circuit at 500 ft above aerodromeelevationwill provide separation from
higher and faster traffic.
Ultralight aircraft pilotswho choose to use the overfly join procedure above
the circuit altitude should be aware that:
• faster larger aircraftmay not be able to see you easily;
• faster larger aircraft create significantwake turbulence;
• faster larger aircraftwill not be able to slow to the speeds of an ultralight
aircraft and follow; and
• faster larger aircraft—prior to arriving in the circuit andwhenbelow
10000 ft—can be at speeds up to 250 kt. Therefore, although aircraft
shouldbe at 200 ktmaximum in the circuit, an aircraft reporting at 20 nm
from the aerodrome could be in the vicinity of the circuitwithin5minutes.
Ultralight pilots should consult AIP, ERSA, relevant charts, and the latest
NOTAMs for themost up-to-date information andprocedures.
Note 1: Helicoptersmay also be operating in the circuit at 500ft above
Fixedwingand rotarywingagricultural aircraft operations.
Pilots should
be aware there are non-towered aerodromes fromwhere ‘aerial application’
operations are conducted.
3 – non - TOWERED aerodromes