Agricultural aircraft are permitted to conduct aerial applicationoperations
which involve low level manoeuvring after take-off and prior to landing.
These low level manoeuvres are not required to conform to the standard
traffic circuit. However, pilots of other aircraft canexpect aerial application
(agricultural) aircraft to:
• maintain a listeningwatch and broadcast their intentions on theCTAF; and
• give priority to other traffic.
CAR 166C requires a pilot tomake a broadcastwhenever it is reasonably
necessary to do so to avoid a collision, or the risk of a collision, with another
aircraft. Abroadcastmust include:
• the name of the aerodrome;
• the aircraft’s type and call-sign; and
• the position of the aircraft and the pilot’s intentions.
Effective radio communication involves using standard aviation phraseology
andpilots are expected tomaintain a listeningwatch and respond
appropriately to applicable transmissions.
Broadcast requirements.
When operating in the vicinity of a non-towered
aerodrome, it is expected that all pilotswouldmake the followingminimum
positional broadcasts from aircraft that carry a VHF airband radio:
3 – non - TOWERED aerodromes