For both IFR and night VFR (NVFR) flights, night circuits are generallymore
demanding than daytime circuit operations and require increased vigilance.
Night circuits for training shall not be conducted at a height less than 1000 ft
above aerodrome elevation.
• refer toCAO 29.2: Air ServicesOperations - night flying training
• NVFR pilots refer toCAAP 5.13-2(0) Night Visual Flight Rating
night circuits
At non-towered aerodromes, theremay be regular public transport and
passenger charter, gliders, parachutists, helicopters, gyroplanes, ultralights,
balloons, general aviation aircraft, and agricultural aircraft operations.
Regular public transport aircraft operations.
At certain non-towered
aerodromes, there can be regular public transport operations thatmay
include large turboprop or jet aircraft. These aircraft have different operating
parameters/criteria to those ofmany general aviation aircraft. They operate
under the instrument flight rules andwill beoperating to their particular
company standard operatingprocedures. It is oftenmoredifficult for pilots
of large aircraft to see smaller aircraft because of their high nose attitude
at slower speeds. This is especially an issuewhen they aremaking an
approach. It is essential that even though the smaller aircraft pilotmay have
seen the large aircraft, they should continue tomake broadcasts and respond
to broadcasts and not just assume that the larger aircraft is aware of their
General aviation pilots should be aware that, in certain circumstances,
passenger transport aircraftmay not be able to use the active runway.
Passenger transport aircraft are required to operate undermore stringent
regulations, inparticular aircraft performance regulations. For example, where
an aircraft departs downwind and the take-off distance is increased, it could
be because of a performance limitationor increased safetymarginwhereby
terrain clearance is taken into consideration during the initial climb out after
take-off. Similarly, landing intowindmay not always be possiblewhen various
performance limitations are taken into account.
3 – non - TOWERED aerodromes