Theposition atwhich descent below cloud is planned tooccurmust be such
as to enable continuationof the flight to the destination and, if required, an
alternate aerodrome inVMC (seeNotes 1 and3 below).
• When navigating by reference to radionavigation systems, thepilot in
commandmust obtain positive radio fixes at the intervals andby the
methods prescribed inAIPENR 1.1.
• The pilot in commandof a VFR flightwishing to navigate bymeans of
radionavigation systems or any othermeansmust indicate in theflight
notification only those radio navigation aidswithwhich the aircraft is
equipped and the pilot is qualified to use (seeNote2).
• VFR aeroplanes operating above FL200must beequippedwith an
altimeter calibrated to IFR standards. CASA approval is required for the
Note1:ApilotmustnotundertakeaVFRflighton topofmore thanSCTcloud
unless the aircraft is equippedwith serviceable flight and navigation
instruments as specified inCAO 20.18Appendix IV (IFR andNight
Note2: ‘Qualified’means theholderof an instrument ratingorNVFR ratingwhich
isendorsed for theparticularnavigationaidor anyprivateorhigher category
pilotwhohas received in-flight instruction fromaqualified instructor in the
useof the radionavigationaidas thesolemeansofnavigation, andwho is
competent tonavigatebyuseof theaid.
Note3:Pilotsarewarnedagainst initiatingVFRflighton-topwhenweather
conditionsaremarginal.Beforecommitting theirflight tooperatingVFR
flighton-top theyshouldbeconfident thatmeteorological informationused
is reliableandcurrent, andclearly indicates that theentireflightwill beable
tobeconducted inVMC.
During flight pilotsmustmaintain a time reference accurate towithin+/- 30
seconds (AIPENR 1.1).
1 — rul es of the a i r
VFR navigation