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During initial climbout, the turn onto crosswind shouldbemade appropriate

to theperformance of the aircraft, but in any case not less than500 ft above

terrain so as to be at circuit heightwhen turningontodownwind.

Pilotsmay vary the sizeof the circuit depending on:

• the performance of the aircraft;

• safety reasons; or

• in accordancewith theAFM/Pilot OperatingHandbook (POH)

requirements or company SOPs.

Departing the circuit area.

When departing from the aerodrome circuit area,

aircraft should depart by extending one of the standard circuit legs. However,

an aircraft should not execute a turn opposite to the circuit directionunless

the aircraft iswell outside the circuit area andno traffic conflict exists. This

will normally be at least 3 nm from the departure end of the runway. The

distancemay be less for aircraftwithhigh climbperformance. Thedistance

should bebased on pilots being aware of traffic and the ability of the aircraft

to climb above and clear of the circuit area.

Note: Pilots of departing aircraft shouldbe aware of traffic intending to join

the circuit by the recommended overfly procedure as they can be

2000 ft or higher above aerodrome elevation.

Final approach.

The turn onto final approach shouldbe completed by

a distance and height that is common to theoperations at the particular

aerodrome and commensuratewith the speedflown in the circuit for the

aircraft type. In any case, the turn onto final shouldbe completed by not less

than 500 ft above aerodrome elevation. This should allow sufficient time

for pilots to ensure the runway is clear for landing. Itwill also allow for the

majority of aircraft to be stabilised for the approach and landing.

circuit procedures

3 – non - TOWERED aerodromes

Typeof aircraft

Standard circuit

speed range

Standard circuit height


(includes jets andmany


Above approximately

150 kt

1500 ft above aerodrome el vation

Medium performance

(includesmost piston

engine aircraft)


approximately 55

and 150 kt

1000 ft abov aerodrome el vation


Approximately 55 kt


500 ft above aerodrome elevation

Table 1: Standard circuit h ights d pend on aircraft performance