– aerodromeQNH;
– aerodrome surface temperature; and
– estimated cloudbase, visibility andpresentweather.
This informationwill be provided bymeans of anAutomaticAerodrome
InformationService (AAIS) broadcast on a discretepublished frequency
(similar toATIS). Pilots shouldmonitor thepublishedAAIS frequency
beforemaking the taxiing or inbound broadcast and indicate that theAAIS
information has been receivedwhenmaking the inbound or taxiingbroadcast.
Other operational information of a local nature, relevant to the safety of
operations at the aerodromewill also bebroadcast.
TheCA/GRSwill provide emergency services call-out if requested by thepilot
in an emergency or, if in the opinion of the operator, a call-out iswarranted.
Theweather information provided by the service is derived from approved
measuring equipment, whichmeetsBoM aeronautical precision standards.
QNHprovided by aCA/GRSor AAISmay beused to reduce landing, circling
and alternateminima in accordancewithAIPENR 1.5 (QNHSources).
TheCA/GRS operatormay act as a representative of an air operator (where
formal agreementwith the operator has been established) for the purposes of
UNICOM (Universal Communications) is a non-ATS communications service
provided to enhance the value of information normally available about a non-
towered aerodrome.
Theprimary purposeof the frequency used for UNICOMwhere the frequency
is theCTAF is for pilots to be able toexchange relevant traffic information.
Services available from aUNICOM should be considered as secondary and
must not detract from the interchange of traffic information betweenpilots.
Persons providing aUnicom service are required to be licensedby the
AustralianCommunication andMediaAuthority (ACMA). Detailed information
regarding the licensing and useof equipmentmay beobtained by contacting
theACMA in the appropriateState or Territory capital city.
communications –ClassG
3 – commun i cat i ons